EQM Management Assessment

$ 250.00

The EQM measures an individual’s understanding of ten critical management functions.  This is a knowledge-based assessment on the ten core functions historically associated with frontline management positions.  The EQM was developed from research on managers’ responses to various problems within these ten categories. The online profile consists of 100 questions, 10 questions for each of the 10 management functions.


The final report provides an indication of a person’s knowledge of management practices, but not necessarily his or her application of techniques (skill). The EQM indicates areas where more education and training would be helpful in improving an individual’s effectiveness. Please note, there is a difference between knowing the correct action in a certain situation and actually performing that action. Our goal in using this assessment tool is to ensure each manager has a good understanding of effective management practices, and applying the knowledge properly in a given situation.

The ten critical management functions measured are described below.

Top 10 Management Functions:

  1. Executive Approach questions are directed at measuring the individual’s basic management philosophy. Individuals who score very low on Executive Approach may not believe management skills are important. They may score well in other specific areas; however, actually managing others effectively is unlikely. This does not mean these individuals cannot become good managers; it means that additional management training may be required for these people to become good managers.
  2. Problem Solving questions are directed toward the methods used in solving primarily people- management problems. The section is also intended to evaluate the manager’s consistency in his or her problem-solving approach.
  3. Delegation questions are directed toward the manager’s real feelings about delegation. They also measure the manager’s confidence in subordinates. In addition, the results of the Delegation questions give an indication of the individual’s desire to have responsibilities and authority delegated to him or her from other managers or executive leadership.
  4. Decision Making questions evaluate the individual’s method of decision-making, self-confidence, and feelings concerning the importance of others in a decision.
  5. Planning questions are aimed at reviewing an individual’s approach to planning, as well as actual beliefs regarding the needs for a plan in his or her area of operations.
  6. Resolving Conflicts questions – Since conflict will naturally result from poor communication and lack of understanding, the questions relating to Resolving Conflict are a good measure of the individual’s ability to understand and communicate the business goals and objectives with personal relationships.
  7. Leadership / Motivation questions provide a measure of the individuals’ understanding of his or her capabilities and key motivating factors for themself and others on the team.
  8. Criticism questions are designed to reveal how the manager views both giving and receiving criticism. Results will also provide insight in how the manager uses criticism to motivate others.
  9. Time Management questions measure the capability of the individual to determine priorities of work, plan ahead, and achieve expected performance. This section also reflects on decision-making capacity.
  10. Managing Change questions give some indication of the individual’s self-confidence and desire for security. In addition, the individual’s ability to be a self-starter and take command is measured.

View A Sample: EQM Overview

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State of the Art!

Never before have we been able to actually measure these top performing skill sets!

Online Questionnaire

Simply log on and honestly answer the 100 questions; you will instantly receive your skills assessment and custom development plan

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