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Mental & Emotional Training™ [M.E.T.]

You’ve heard of emotional intelligence – here is where you start.

The M.E.T. is a simple training system designed to develop emotional intelligence skills.  Six (6) core modules, each delivered with dynamic videos from our friends in Neuroscience, to include actual Navy Seal training clips based on their new “Big 4”.

For most, the mind and emotions are scary places – you have to learn how to separate these two – emotional quotient provides the development path, our M.E.T. program provides the daily routines and exercises.

Only recently has human performance breached the new frontier of how the mind and thought patterns directly impact decision making & performance.

This program was originally developed in 1995 and now in it’s 9th version. Best practices and lessons learned from vetting, implementing and impacting performance in high stress occupations.


Levels: Basic | Leadership

Critical Thinking Skills, Emotional Skills, Core Balance, Past-Present-Future, Critical Intelligence, Conditioning Strategies and Maturity Metrics.


Industries: Law Enforcement | Sports & Athletics | Oil & Gas | Electric Utility | General Industry

Optimal Personal Performance, Adapting to Change, Creative Problem Solving, Effective Conflict Resolution, Leadership Influence


You are 30 minutes away from learning to regulate your chatter – Schedule the Call

Flowchart: Mental & Emotional Training System (M.E.T.)

The M.E.T. Flowchart provides a simple view of how each of the six (6) training systems work together.  A holistic approach to developing mental and emotional skill sets for team & personal best.  Be sure to watch the short videos below for a brief overview of the benefits for each training system.  Flowchart

For more information about our products or services please contact 1.866.487.2815.
