Nebraska Football “MindSet” Athlete: Alonzo Moore

From the small town of Winnfield, LA to the Cornhuskers of Nebraska – now prospective 2016 NFL draft pick – Mr. Alonzo Moore.

“We have been working with Alonzo since May of 2010”, comments MindSet Trainer Parrish Taylor.

The focus has been helping Alonzo create awareness to his thoughts and emotions using the skills framework from a science called, Emotional Intelligence.

Alonzo Moore & MindSet Coach P. Taylor (2010)
Alonzo Moore & MindSet Coach P. Taylor (2010)

Alonzo was a strong athlete on the field when we first started working on his MindSet Training. The immediate benefits came with a more consistent delivery of his talent which directly impacted his stats during the game.  As Alonzo’s emotional quotient (see his skills profile below) increased, we we’re able to take his skills and begin transferring them into the class room.  Below are a few milestones in our time working with Alonzo.

Development Milestones:

Moore Mature Article:

It’s one thing for the student-athlete to realize the benefits of MindSet training…  of course we want the coach to see an impact. When the fans, scouts and media begin to see the difference, everybody wins!

Moore Mature Head Line

Mom Speaks:

MindSet training goes beyond the game and into the family.  One on one MindSet training enables everyone to see the difference – more than just the coaches and fans.

“I am extremely proud of how Alonzo has matured since working with your program.  He has a better attitude and is more focused on what is important in life.” – Janice Moore 2011

Mental Chapter 8:

When sitting with Mr. Tom Osborne and the other coaches from Nebraska, we had to document the experience.  Master trainer and Author Parrish O. Taylor dedicated Chapter 8 in the book “Mental” – Learning to Regulate The Chatter.  Here is a glimpse of Chapter 8

Alonzo’s Skill Assessment:

The Athlete’s Skill Assessment identifies 10 emotional skills that top athletes have learned to develop – an amazing development tool for your MindSet Coach to really focus in on your skill strengths and weaknesses.  To learn more about taking your own athlete’s skill assessment – please click here.  To see Alonzo’s first skill assessment from back in 2010 – check out this edited version.

Nebraska Reflection Exercise:

One of the hardest skills to teach in the MindSet Program is Self-Motivation. Helping a young athlete go beyond the external stimuli of the game, the coach, and fans…  and go inside for personal insights to what motivates them individually.

“This is a written exercise conducted with Alonzo following our first trip to Nebraska. Notice how he writes on the grade point average of the team and how coaches emphasized how important his grades are when playing college sports.”

It was this experience visiting with Nebraska coaches that we were able to use during reflection exercises to enable Alonzo to re-evelaute his priorities.  At the time of this visit, Alonzo was not eligible to play because of his GPA.  It was at this point – everything began changing for Alonzo as he took the skills from the field into the classroom. (View Alonzo’s Notes)

NCAA Denial Letter:

It was August 1st, 2012 when Dr. Garrison contacted us and said the NCAA did not accept his manuscript and he could not attend Nebraska – they wanted clarification on his GPA. How he achieved such a large GPA increase in such a short time period. It was a simple coaching session on that Saturday afternoon – Alonzo crafted a hand-written letter to the NCAA.  No, it’s too personal for public viewing…  this six page testimony from Alonzo was not only heart-felt, it was exactly the mind-set we all seek when raising up a young man to realize his true potential.

“I realized that I am dedicated to becoming as great a person in the classroom as I am on the football field.  That day was a turning point for me becoming a better person in life.” – Alonzo Moore (2012)

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